The Forgotten King
Imagine being the King of a nation, and yet the people do not recognize you as their king. Imagine being the King, yet the people want another king. Imagine being the king, and the people forget or minimize what you have done for them.
Imagine how God must have felt when Israel asked him for a King when he was their King (1 Samuel). How soon they forget. They forgot what God did for their ancestors in Egypt. They Forgot what God did for their ancestors in the Wilderness. They forgot the power of God. They forgot he was and is the King of Heaven and Earth.
During election season people (including believers) tend to focus on their favorite candidate and become very passionate about that candidate. Let’s remember that candidates good or bad are human beings, and regardless of who’s in the revolving door of the White House, God is still on the throne and will remain for eternity. All have sinned (including your favorite candidate) and fallen short. Remember God used evil rulers and leaders to bring judgment on his people and the world to show his power. Remember Pharoah, the King of Babylon, the King of Assyria, and many others. So the leader you do not like may be there for a reason. (Something to Ponder)
In Isaiah 31, we see Isaiah showing Israel the folly of relying on man and not on the God of Heaven, let’s not become like Israel during the time of Isaiah.
In the middle of election season, let’s not forget who the ruler of Heaven and Earth is. Let’s not forget the one who sent his son to die on the cross for us. Let’s not forget our citizenship is in heaven (Philippians).