Learning about God takes walking the path of learning with someone who knows the way.
Who would you trust more, a person that has never built a home or a person that has built many, many homes? The answer is obvious.
But most people turn to those that know nothing about the word of God to ask questions. Even worse, people don't read the book he left for all mankind to get to know him.
Personally, I like that series on the History Channel called "Mankind The Story of All of Us". It captures the imagination. It is a marvelous piece of work. It cobbles together centuries of history that shows us how we got to where we are now.
What the bible teaches men is so much more than that. God reaches into the depth of the soul to show us things that will always be true about men and mankind. What people miss on their reading of the bible is God showing us us. He made us and knows everything about us. His book is for us to learn about him. His likes and dislikes. What is acceptable to him and what is not acceptable to him. We don't have to guess. That is why Jesus said, "You shall know the truth and the truth will make you free". Free from what, you may ask?
Free from ignorance is one thing it will set you free from. You may have heard the statement "Ignorance is bliss". It is because we think what we don't know can't hurt. That is true until it does. Before the writings of God were completed, that was the time of ignorance. But know the full knowledge of God is available to every person everywhere on the planet.
I urge you to not live in ignorance any longer.
You will live forever when this life is over.
It is your choice.
Live with God or live in torment.
Come see, Go tell.